Blairs Boys

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blast from the past

I've been tagged by Angella. By the way, I also stole her title for my post. I figured since I was taking the overall idea from her blog, I'd take her title as well ;-)

Anyway, here's what I have to do:

"Go through your archives and find the post that best fits the words listed"
I tried to go as far back into my archives as possible. I needed to give myself a challenge.

Something SERIOUS
I found a few, but I've picked just one: Tyler's Operation. He had grommets put in about a year ago. It was his second operation under general anaesthetic. It was pretty hard for mummy!

Something totally ROMANTIC
How about this one?
20 Things I Love About My Husband. I know he thought it was totally romantic.

I couldn't find much, but here is one of those questionnaire thingies ... you should be able to learn something about me from these answers!

Three Things
And here are some Things That Make Me Happy

Something FUNNY
I found it hard to choose between 3 of my favourites. So I didn't.

Sugar Sugar
New Mens Magazine
And I simply couldn't resist including Some Ethanisms

There. I hope you all learned a bit more about me and my life, since I have quite a few more readers now than when I first started blogging.
Now I'm tagging Julie, Tanya and Janine. Oh, and anybody else who wants to do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag. I enjoyed reading your posts and I did indeed learn some new things about you. Loved the sugar story and the one of you and Rob and telling each other how you both felt. Lovely.

8:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your posts. Fun to look back and relive the special moments :)

11:10 am  
Blogger Christi said...

OMG, you didn't tag me :( We are losing the blog connection.

11:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great trip down memory lane, I enjoyed reading some of your archives.

9:09 pm  

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