Blairs Boys

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yesterday's happenings

When I went to pick up my boys from preschool yesterday, I was met by a VERY excited 4-year-old.
His best friend Devon has been away in England on holiday with his Mum, Dad & brother Cody. For 3 MONTHS. And now he's back!!!
Ethan has missed Devon SO much. I told him a couple of weeks ago that Devon would be coming home during the Kindy holidays (which finish this week) and that he would see him next Monday when Kindy starts again for Term 4. So Ethan has been pretty excited about that. But then yesterday Devon & Cody were at preschool (unexpectedly, since they usually go on different days to my boys) and apparently there was MUCH excitement when they arrived!
When we left preschool, Devon & Cody had their faces pressed up against the window, shouting goodbye at the top of their lungs. Everybody was just so happy!! It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling :-) And later on last night, Ethan told me that Devon had kissed him when they saw each other. Awwww!

In other news, Tyler did wees in the potty last night! Again, there was MUCH excitement from the entire family!
Rob was getting Tyler ready for his bath while I was cleaning up in the kitchen. I heard some shouting and cries of "good boy, Tyler!" and wondered what was going on. Then I heard him say "let's go and show Mumma" and next thing I know here is Tyler, in the nuddy, walking into the kitchen with Daddy holding a potty. And there is something yellow in the potty. Yeah!
I don't remember Ethan using the potty quite so early. And even then, he wasn't ready for proper toilet training until after his 3rd birthday. It never bothered me, I just wanted him to lead the way. And when he was ready, it only took 5 days to train him.
So using the potty at such a young age is kind of uncharted territory for us! We'll just follow Tyler's cues, like we did with Ethan. He may not be ready for ages yet, but it is a good first step. And boy, was he PROUD of himself!
As for me, I was so excited I got the camera out! I'm sure he'll hate me for that when he is older :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww Ethan & Devon!! How cute :)

8:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sweet when they have a good buddy!

And yay for the training - you could be diaper free before you know it :)

8:28 am  
Blogger Christi said...

Wow, that just goes to show you how close Devon and Ethan are! It's great they are back together!

Yay, for Tyler! I keep trying with Lauryn. I don't think I'm going to wait for her to come around lol. I'm determined she be out of diapers when I go to mom's next year and that only gives us this summer lol. I'll wait until 2 though, so she's got a month lol.

3:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww Hannah that was a warm fuzzy post.....How nice that Ethan and Devon were reunited. Yippe for Taylor doing his first wees in the potty!! Lol at you getting the camera know your a scrapper when you take a photo of the potty

4:39 pm  
Blogger Ilka said...

So cute Ethan & Devon - makes me smile. I read somewhere that second kids often do things a lot earlier than first borns. They wanna catch up or something like that is the theory. Wouldnt it be great to have no more nappies!

11:43 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

Way to go Tyler - That's awesome!! Joey won't sit on the potty, so we are like you - waiting until he's ready (sigh....)
How exciting for Ethan to have his buddy back, I'm sure he was so happy, and it sounds like Devon missed Ethan too! 3 months is an eternity when you're 4!

2:09 am  

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