Blairs Boys

Monday, August 28, 2006

Tyler's talking

While I was away, Tyler acquired a few new words & phrases. Some of them I heard over the phone (which made me SO homesick!) and others I am only just noticing. His funniest one is "not fair" when something isn't going his way. The other night I was getting his PJs on and when I took off his T-shirt he said "I want car" (there was a car on his shirt) and I said "car is dirty, it needs to go in the wash" and put it in his hamper. He said "not fair, I want car" and I just about died laughing! He wasn't upset, he was almost angry! He had a really serious look on his face and his voice was very authoritative! What a crack-up.

He says "whoa!" all the time. Anytime he wobble or teeters on the edge of something, anytime he is remotely close to falling off something (which is quite often). He says it with such gusto, as well!! It always makes me smile.

Tyler has also fallen in love with Toy Story. He carries Buzz Lightyear around the house and wants to watch Toy Story 2 all the time. The last 3 mornings the first words out of his mouth have been "I want Woody on" which means he wants to watch the DVD. He slept with Buzz the other night. Buzz is not soft & cuddly. He is hard & plasticky. Tyler loves to carry the DVD cover around with him, and he points to all the characters and says their names: "Buzz, Woody, Zurg, Jessie, Rex, Mr Potatohead, Ham, Bullseye" … and the way he says "Mr Potatohead" is just SO cute! He says "Tay Toe Head" and pronounces each syllable really precisely.
He plays with Buzz like a real boy. He makes flying noises ("whee, whoosh, whoa") and uses his arms to make Buzz fly all around the room. Tyler is learning and copying a lot of things his big brother does, and it is really cute to watch.

The most often heard phrase in our house these days is "No, Ethan" (or more correctly "No, Eh-Uh") and this is usually followed by "Mumma/Daddy, Tyler said No to me". Who knew the word "No" could be so insulting?!

I have to admit, I was worried that Tyler wouldn't want anything to do with me after I got back. He's always been a Daddy's Boy, and usually prefers Rob to me when he is feeling upset. Ethan is more of a Mummy's Boy. I thought that after being away for almost 2 weeks, Tyler would be even more firmly attached to Rob than before. But to my surprise and delight, Tyler has actually been more attached to me since I got home. It's a nice feeling. He seems to be "evening out" and not really having such a strong preference for one or the other. I guess he is just growing up, and that is part of the process. I can't really believe he is going to be 2 next month. The time has gone by so quickly!


Blogger Christi said...

It is really neat to watch them mimic their siblings. Lauryn makes things 'talk' to each other. Which is rather cute. Yes, they are growing rather quickly. I get frazzled thinking about it :?

9:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up so fast!!

Nathan loves Toy Story as well - we got him a little Buzz Lightyear spaceship with Woody/Buzz/Zurg & the dinosaur for his birthday, and he won't part with it!


5:10 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

To infinity - AND BEYOND! (That's Joey's newest phrase, although it's completely unintelligible to everyone except me)
I bet Tyler sounds adorable with his little Kiwi accent too!
I love the way you sound :)

2:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Tyler sounds sooo cute!!

1:39 pm  
Blogger Lisa said...

OMG you could be living at my house!!!!

"to infinity and beyond" is something I hear about 100 times a day from both boys. Usually as they are jumping of the arms of the couch.

And the "NO, brother"....running steps..."Momma!!! Lucas said NO to me!" is something I also hear A LOT! Except Lucas can't say Zachary so it's ALWAYS brother.

5:21 pm  
Blogger Hannah said...

Yes Mum, the Blue Skidooed thing is a new game. Forgot to tell you about it!!! Sorry, I know it hurts when he leaps onto you!

Ethan told me some of the French words last night when I was saying goodnight. He said "I forgot to say bon appetit at dinner time!" (but he didn't pronounce it properly) so I said "will you say it at lunchtime tomorrow when you're at preschool?" and he just cracked up!! I also taught him to say "merci" for thankyou and "au revior" for goodbye (he asked about that one).

7:44 am  

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