Blairs Boys

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My next post will be from Toronto!

Or possibly Los Angeles. I have an 8h layover. Yep, 8 HOURS. So if I manage to find an internet cafe or somewhere to hook up my laptop, I might do some more blogging. Otherwise you'll have to wait until I get to Jenn's place!

My bags are packed (almost). I've shaved my legs (it is HOT over there). I have written lists and crossed things off. I recorded 6 stories onto a tape for Ethan to listen to while I'm gone. Today I am supposed to be working from home, doing last-minute conference planning. But I'm not doing much work. I figure I will be working enough overtime while I'm there, so today is going to be a chill-out day. I need to relax and calm down after a week of stress and frantic planning/organising.

I will take Ethan to Kindy at 12.45 and then pick him up at 3.15. Perhaps I will stay for the session, and do some "parent-help", something I don't usually get to do. We'll see. Anyway, after Kindy I will have about an hour to spend with Ethan before Rob gets home with Tyler and we drop the boys off at my parents' place.

Then it will be time for The Goodbyes. I am not looking foward to them at all. Ethan has been saying "I don't want you to go to Canada" and "12 days will take too long". Poor little guy. He was really upset on Sunday night, enough to make me cry when I'd left his room. But last night he was much better. He didn't cry and he seemed to have accepted it a bit more. He is going to be upset when I leave today though. And that is going to be the hardest thing for me.

Anyway, I'd appreciate prayers and good vibes for my trip. That everything would go smoothly and I would get some sleep on the plane (courtesy of Zopiclone). I'm really excited about meeting Jenn and seeing a new country. I'll miss all 3 of my boys SO MUCH, but being away for 12 days will make the homecoming SO good. I can already imagine myself walking through the arrivals gate and seeing them there. I can't wait!


Blogger Jenn said...

Have a Blast Hannah! Enjoy yourself. Can't wait to hear of all the adventures at the Mac house.

2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great trip! You can't help it when you're in Canada :)

3:25 am  
Blogger Jenn said...

Woohoo - i'm so excited. You're actually probably just descending into LAX as I'm writing this - 14 more hours and you'll have landed here! I hope you have your camera in your carry on, so you can take a pic of us meeting at the airport in my bright yellow hat! LOL.

8:19 am  

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