Blairs Boys

Thursday, August 31, 2006

So proud of my boy!

On Tuesday at Kindy Ethan did a little talk about Canada. I guess you could call it "Show and Tell", but he was specifically asked to do it by one of the teachers. He decided to take along the stuffed moose that I got him, and 2 postcards. One of Niagara Falls and one of the CN Tower.

Anyway, I decided to get there a little earlier than usual so I would be able to hear him. He had been practising the night before, standing on the couch saying "excuse me, kids ..." while holding up the postcards :-) I knew that on the day he would get a bit shy, but he still did really well. He just spoke quite softly and Lisa had to repeat all the things he said. He couldn't remember the name of the waterfall but he said it was "really big". And when he showed the picture of the CN Tower, Lisa asked "how did mummy get up the top?" and Ethan said "she used the stairs" ... um, whatever! I'm soooo not fit enough to do that! Actually I don't even know if they have stairs. I suppose they do somewhere, but they weren't for public use.

I was so proud of my big guy! He did great, and all the kids were really interested. They were not quite so interested in the next boy, who had a plastic make-up case to show everybody. He (yes, he) was actually wearing the make-up as well. I'm really not sure what that was about! The teacher didn't ask a lot of questions, either!

I only wish I'd taken my camera! It was a moment definitely worth scrapbooking. But I did see one of the other teachers taking photos, so I might see if she can email them to me. I know they will put a page in his portfolio about it, but I'd love to have copies as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be amazed if ANYONE could take the stairs at the CN tower!

Show and tell - can't wait until I get to see that one day. You must be so proud!!

4:27 pm  
Blogger Christi said...

That's so cool, Hannah! Kamryn hasn't seemed interested or said anything about showing the kids something. She too is shy. It's good Ethan was comfortable doing it even if he was a bit shy.

Hmmmmmm, make-up??? Who's that kid's parents lol.

4:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have EVERY right to be proud!!

8:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah,

Yes you can climb the stairs to the CN tower. Usually it's done to raise money for some charity. I have a friend who climbs it every year for the "Heart Fund".
Blessings on you and yours!

8:37 am  

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