Blairs Boys

Monday, October 17, 2005


You always hear stories from people trying to lose weight about how their family & friends seem to sabotage their efforts. Well, I don't have that problem with my family & friends. Last night Rob offered to do my Winsor Pilates DVD with me. Ethan offered me some of his popsicle, but "just a tiny little bit, okay Mummy?" - the boy obviously knows about portion size! No problems in this area at all.

But today it seems total strangers are trying to stop me from being healthy.
First sabotage attempt. I'm at the petrol station, paying for my gas. The lady asks the usual questions: "Pump 5, is it?", "Got a FlyBuys card?" and - wait for it - "Have you seen our chocolate bars? Only $1.50 each", while pointing to a large box of peanut slabs on the counter. I almost choke on my sugar-free gum. I say something like "No thanks, I have to be good today. Making up for the weekend." It takes all the strength I have not to give in and buy one.
Second attempt. I arrive at work and open the fridge to put something in. Sitting on the middle rack is a HUGE chocolate cake. This is so hard. It is 7am, there are no other people here yet. It would be so easy to have a piece. I know I'm allowed some, it is left over from last Friday's drinks that I wasn't here for. Deep breath, close the door, walk away. Eat soggy cereal at my desk.
Third attempt. I leave work at 12 noon and decide to get a burger from BK on the way home. I remember reading in a magazine last week that if you swap regular mayo for lite mayo, you halve the calories. So I order a chicken burger with lite mayo. No fries. No drink. It is a big deal for me to skip the fries, but I'm proud of myself for staying strong. I unwrap my burger. Oops, they forgot to ask me if I wanted a burger with my mayo. Seriously, the thing is literally swimming in the stuff. I don't understand this. I mean, surely it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that if somebody has specifically requested lite mayo on their burger (not to mention skipping the fries), they probably don't want 3 times the usual amount! I would have been better off - calorie-wise and taste-wise - getting a normal burger with 2/3 less (regular) mayo. It annoys me that in order to eat the healthiest part of the burger ie. the lettuce, I need to spend at least 5 minutes wiping the mayonnaise off using my paper napkin. I could have driven home and made my own lunch in the time it took to get my burger to the "edible" stage.
Come on people! I'm trying to make good choices and you are making it so hard!


Blogger Jenn said...

I know exactly what you mean!! It's just not fair now that the stores are pushing the little halloween treats - knowing full well that I'll buy a box of 75 mini chocolate bars, and they will be gone long before Halloween. I may as well just sit on them, as they are all going to go to my bum anyway!
DH has resolved to eat healthy this week, and I along with him, but OH the temptations around us......
Oh, and I hate how much mayo ALL the fast food places put on a burger - really, just a little dab will do!! Good on you for skipping the fries though - I'm usually not strong enough to do that......

3:23 pm  
Blogger Rachel said...

I had that exact same experience. When I was at my old job and doing WW, female co-workers would either be supportive of my efforts or tempt me with the offers of the cake that so and so brought into work that day.

It's interesting what you said about the burgers. I reckon it's a conspiracy peddled by fast food companies to keep you hooked (because fat does taste good) and keep you overweight. Some people are so stupid, aren't they. Just because the mayo is reduced in calories, it doesn't mean you should serve up twice - or three times! - the usual amount! : P
I also read somewhere that if you get a burger, get rid of one of the buns (only eat the top or bottom bun) to save on calories....
BUT there is a problem with that. A burger is simply not a burger if it's not meat, salad, cheese and mayo squashed between two buns. Also, it makes eating the burger a lot more difficult!

4:09 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I used to do that w/my burgers, only eat one of the buns. That month (I ate out so much, worked like70 hrs a week or something insane) I lost 30 lbs by cutting my carb portions in 1/2.

I have no self control now. LOL
Must be the fact that I am reserving all my strength to restrain myself when I get frustrated or angry with the kids. LOL

Seriously, I am also trying to eat healthy. I made a Zucchini casserole for dinner last night, w/salad. And then tonight we are having beef stew & salad. lol

But man...I would love a big ole portion of GREASY SALTY FRENCH FRIES! lol

Good on you!

6:24 am  
Blogger Lisa said...

Good for you for staying strong!!!! You're a better woman than I...and wow, a man doing Winsor pilates? Now that's something I'd like to see! :)

6:27 am  

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