Blairs Boys

Friday, December 16, 2005

Freddy the frog

The boys have their very first pet!
Yesterday Rob found a frog on the building site where he was working, so he took it home and left it in our covered paddling pool (which had just a little bit of water in the bottom). When he showed me I suggested that we ring the pet shop. They said frogs are very easy to keep, so we decided to keep him. We took the boys up to Pet Planet to buy a glass tank, some pebbles and a carton of live flies.
We set the tank up when we got home. They only need a little bit of water in the bottom, because once they are frogs they don't go back in the water [I never knew that!]. They just need a small amount to keep their skin moist.
The guy at the pet shop said he has 3 frogs, all smaller than ours, who eat about 100 flies per week! And they won't eat dead insects, so we'll have to either buy them regularly from the pet shop (about $5 for a carton of 50 flies) or get really good at trapping live insects!
Rob will take the boys down to Little Manly beach today to find some driftwood and big flat stones so we can make a "shelter" for the little guy, who Ethan has named Freddy. He's very cute. I'll take a photo this weekend.
Initially we set up Freddy's new home in Ethan's room. But after seeing Freddy jump around the tank, Ethan got a bit freaked out and didn't want to go back into his room! So we decided to move Freddy into the playroom.
I hope he doesn't start croaking loudly at night! Didn't hear him last night. I wonder if they only croak when other frogs are nearby? I guess I'll soon become a frog expert!


Blogger Christi said...

Hehehe, how cute! I have never seen a frog in New Zealand. Hugh tells me they exist but I have my doubts ;) We used to catch them all the time when were little. Something my girls won't get to do :(

I can't wait to see a photo of Freddy. Isn't there a trap for catching live insects? Is there a fly farm where they get the flies??? LOL, just wondered!

11:31 am  
Blogger Hannah said...

Christi, I think you can buy traps for catching flies. We'll have to invest in one. It would be better than Rob's current "trap" which involves leaving a piece of raw meat in a plastic bag outside the back door, then "releasing" the flies into the frog tank!! The releasing part is VERY tricky!

And yes, there is a fly farm where they breed flies!! Who would have thought? LOL :)

10:56 am  

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