Blairs Boys

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's one of THOSE days ....

.... and it's not even halfway through yet! So far this morning:

I dealt with rude people at the supermarket.
Tyler started crying not long after we got there, but I only had to get a few essentials so I kept going. He has sore ears at the moment, and he was really tired. Some horrid man actually told him to be quiet! He was walking past us in the opposite direction and he rolled his eyes, made a "tsk tsk" sound and then turned back and said "oh, shush!!". I was in too much shock to respond. He's lucky.
Then we got to the checkout and I accidently bumped into the lady in front of me with Tyler's buggy. She turned around and glared at me, and said "owwww" in a whiney child-like voice, while clutching her leg dramatically. I apologised profusely, but she just kept glaring. So I looked her straight in the eye and said "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it." She just walked off in a huff. The checkout lady Ruth (who I worked with for 3 years and know very well) had watched the whole thing and said "Don't worry, she's nuts." I promptly burst into tears and let everything out! I love Ruth!

I scoured the entire shopping mall for a Batman Cape.
I did not think it would be such a mission. The $2 shop and The Warehouse do not sell Batman Capes. They sell all kinds of costumes, including pirate outfits, princess dresses, viking hats and wigs. But no capes.
So I thought I could make one from some black material. Good idea, but do we have a fabric shop at the mall? No.
Then I decided to make one from a black satin tablecloth runner. It actually makes a really good cape, and Ethan is now a very happy boy. At the moment he is wearing his Robin Mask that he made at preschool yesterday, with his new Batman Cape. I asked if he was supposed to be Robin and he said "No, Robin has a green cape." Then I asked if he was supposed to be Batman and he said "No, Batman has a different mask." So I don't actually know who he is, but he looks cute.

I changed 3 dirty nappies.
Gross. But alas, pretty normal for Tyler.

I said "no" 5 times to a really deserving charity.
This bothers me immensely. I do not like saying "no" when people are collecting money for a good cause. But we already give money on a regular basis to 4 different organisations, and we simply cannot afford to give to any others.
Today at the shops I had to walk past the same stand (Feed the Children) 5 times. This is partly because of the Batman Cape expedition, and also because I have a 3-year-old who needs to use the bathroom at the other end of the shopping centre. I don't know why the people who man the stands have such terrible memories, but every time I walked past, the guy jumped in front of me and began their speech. I had to say "you've already asked me [2/3/4/5] times". Saying "no" to a good cause is so much harder when you have to do it so many times!

This afternoon I have Tyler's ENT appointment, which will involve driving 30-40 min with 2 bored children in the car, sitting for ages in a waiting room which may or may not have interesting toys & books for the kids to play with, subjecting my poor baby to weird tests from a strange doctor he has never met, and then driving home in rush-hour traffic with 2 very tired and grumpy children in the car.

I'm not expecting my day to get a whole lot better.


Blogger Angella said...

We're doing the Alpha marriage course right now. They say that this stage of our lives (with small kids) can be defined as summer - BUSY!
But Fall will come...

3:47 pm  
Blogger D said...

Days as a mom can be long at times. You'll get through it. Good job on the Batman cape. I would have given up.

4:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a day!! I hope you get a chance to rest sometime :-)

12:54 pm  

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