Blairs Boys

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tyler's ears

Today we got some bad news about Tyler’s ears.
He had an ear infection about 3 weeks ago and it hadn’t cleared up before we went on holiday so I ended up giving him a second course of antibiotics while we were away (the doctor had given them to me just in case). But even after the second course of treatment he was still pulling on his ear and grizzling quite a bit.

Rob took him back to the doctor this morning to see if things had improved, and there is still a lot of fluid behind his ear. The doctor said it is probably Glue Ear. He has to go and see an Ear Specialist on Friday (I’m grateful that we got an appointment so quickly) to talk about getting grommets (tubes) put in. This is only Tyler’s second ear infection, but both times they have been difficult to treat and this time the glue ear could affect his hearing. The doctor thinks he should get grommets now because he is just starting to talk and glue ear can lead to quite severe speech development delays.

I’m not worried about him having surgery. I’ve been through that before. He had an operation under general anaesthetic when he was 4 months old due to recurrent urinary tract infections from birth. It wasn’t much fun, but at least I know what to expect. And I know that Tyler recovered quickly from it.

What I’m most worried about is that the specialist may just choose to “wait another month or two” rather than do something about it straight away. I hope he will listen to my concerns – the fact that ear infections seem to really bother him (unlike Ethan) and take ages to clear up, that he is just learning to talk, that he has been on about 6 diffferent antibiotics in his short life, including a 3-month period of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent further urinary tract infections while we waited for his surgery.

I know there are much, much worse things that could be wrong with my child, but nevertheless I hate it when he is not well. For someone so young, he has had to deal with lots of infections and I don’t like thinking about how many antibiotics he has taken.
But I’m trusting God. Please say a prayer for my baby and for our appointment on Friday. I will post an update when I know more.


Blogger Angella said...

How about I pray that God heals him? There's no harm in asking :)

And if not, then I pray that he won't be bothered so much by it in the meantime. My kids both had their first ear infections, and Nathan (the baby) doesn't do well with them either.

3:59 pm  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the ear, they seem to be going around now aren't they? I hope and pray that the doctors do something quickly. It's so hard to see your baby in pain :)

4:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad you had a great time on vacation - I can tell from the pics that you did.

Bummer about the ear infections. I get them often and they do take forever to clear up. What my specialist told me is that the tubes end up being replaced every few years or so :( Using a steroid nasal spray helps keep the tubes clear & prevent nasty infections. Hope your little guy feels better soon.

Take Care,

Shauna (murgatr)

dd 11/22/98
dd 6/27/02

7:06 am  
Blogger Christi said...

Ugh, Hannah, just what you need on your plate. I seen your post just shortly after taken Lauryn in for a cold. He looked at her ears too and said there was fluid behind her left ear that need to be watched and further checked in 2 weeks. I would be a nervous wreck and after reading your post I wonder about my own sweetie. We haven't had any ear infections *knock on wood* but this fluid stuff sounds horrible!

1:46 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

He sounds like a good candidate for grommets - I do hope they are able to do something to prevent this from happening, and quickly!
Hugs and prayers

6:27 am  

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