Blairs Boys

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Death of the Dummy

Finally! After almost 3 1/2 years, Ethan has given up his dummy (that's a binkie, by the way).
He even went down without a fight!
Rob decided, out of the blue, to chop the end off Ethan's dummy on Tuesday. I was pretty torn about the whole thing, to be honest. I thought he would be too upset. Every time Rob has raised the issue in the past, I have said no, let's wait until Tyler is born, wait until Tyler is sleeping better, wait until Tyler is sleeping through the night, wait until Tyler is sleeping in his own room [don't ask me what Tyler has to do with Ethan's dummy, it was just a really good excuse at the time], wait until we move out of mum & dads, wait until we finish the renovations, wait until I have settled back into work. You get the idea.
Well, I think Rob got fed up with my excuses! So I said I didn't want anything to do with it, that he would be the one to explain it to Ethan, get up to him during the night, stop his tiny heart from breaking into a million pieces. I know, I know, I laid it on a bit thick.
Tuesday night came and all was calm. Ethan had his story in bed, then said "I want my dummy" and reached over to get it from his bedside table. He put it in his mouth without looking at it, then realised there was nothing there anymore! He took it out and said "What happened to my dummy?" at which point I looked at Rob and smiled. Rob said "Daddy cut your dummy because you are a big boy now and you don't need it anymore." Ethan said "Oh, but why?"
At this point I was ready to leave the room, anticipating a LOT of crying. But to my surprise and delight, all Ethan wanted to do was say "goodnight" to what was left of his dummy, and place it carefully on the table so it would be near him during the night. He said goodnight to us, we left the room, and he went to sleep!! He slept all night!
Wednesday night came, and he didn't even ask about the dummy. He just went to sleep.
The paraplegic dummy is still sitting, in pride of place, on his bedside table. It obviously remains a treasured possession, a necessary comforter. But at least the thing is out of his mouth now!!!
I have to say, Rob was right. It was SO easy to get rid of it! After all the worrying, all the research into effective methods of removing a dummy (yes, I did the research, not Rob ... and he chose to ignore my findings ... typical). I can't believe it was so easy! Just like on SuperNanny!
Am I a little bit crazy to want to keep the dummy?
Ok, maybe I will just take one last photo of it, instead.


Blogger Jenn said...

awwww, not to worry mum, perhaps it was letting him have it this long that allowed him to give it up so easily. I know we tried a few times with Duncan to give it up, and it never really happened for us until HE was old enough to make the transition a little easier (he was nearly 3).
Matthew & Joey never took dummy's so I don't have that habit to break....however they are still both big on the bottle.....
I'm so glad Ethan is being so good about it. Makes a huge difference when they are old enough to reason a little bit...

6:26 pm  
Blogger Christi said...

Awwwwww, I almost wanted to cry! I can remember this whole saga as well. Mine was different though as Kamryn was nearly 2 1/2 and I had enough of her playing with it while it was time for nap time. So I just took it away never to return it to her. I was bothered by her not having it for a while as she would still ask for it and looking at me she would say 'where's pappy?'. Broke my heart as she didn't willingly give it up, I took it away! Did you get that photo of it? What an awesome scrapbooking layout it would make and you can use your blog post for the journaling!

1:06 pm  
Blogger Hannah said...

OK, you convinced me! I am totally going to do a scrapbooking LO on this. I didn't take a photo, but I've got plenty of photos of him sucking on it when he was little :)

1:46 pm  
Blogger Christi said...

I did a layout of Kamryn's pappy too. I will have to see if I can put my LOs online somewhere. I did have a look at a few of yours. Are you new to scrapbooking?

3:24 pm  
Blogger Hannah said...

I'm new to scrapbooking - I started about 6 months ago. Just taught myself using ideas from magazines, books and online galleries.
You can create your own online album at, its free and you just need photobucket or something similar to host your pics.

3:27 pm  

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